

Friday, July 20, 2012

Living in Black and White

If you can choose to be what you should be..
if you can turn around and say what's only perfect and right..
If you could do what everyone else accepts
if everything you touch , smell, taste and feel is all that you like and nothing else..
How easy living would be if life itself is only Black and white..

Thursday, May 10, 2012

The story of my life

At crossroads then, one too many a time
With lurching heart to tread yonder
pulling at opposites, I stopped to ponder
One too many times again,
A tug, a nudge maybe even
a reluctant push
To achieve a wayward dream
In a distant horizon

At crossroads still, with wider paths
Too many escapes, too many space
A string of pebbles escape in myriad directions
I follow the hollow ones,
I turn back, sigh, heave, pant
Wrong again.
The good ones are all gone
I will wait
The dream waits
A never ending wait

For another crossroad to come by.

Wednesday, April 18, 2012



Happiness is in a carefree smile
In rosy health
In a heart off all heavy sighs
In the crystal specks of light in a baby’s eye
In a trusting friend
In truth; a present here, with not one lie

Happiness is in a quiet mind
Meditative and kind
In a stretched hand with a note
To those who ask for it
Happiness is in giving

Happiness is in freshness
Of divine smells ,
 And when no grudge, no strife
In simplicity and a thoughtful word
A brisk walk on a hushed street
At the break of dawn;
Or watching your child sleep
At night, all care abandoned.

Happiness is in colors blue and green
In the sky
and the fruitful earth
In the fluttering of a butterfly wing
In an eagle’s swoop
In a lark’s cry to the silver moon
In the beauty of a garden pruned

Happiness is riding a swing
When your heart lurch
And grow cold still
Up and down,
 Sweeping you off your feet
The feel of dew touching you
As you lie down
To gape at the starry skies

Happiness is in a book:  lost you are in
Weeping for its protagonist
When then you lift you head and laugh
For your mind’s innocence
Hath not it been for those pages
You won’t see life’s sorrows

That’s happiness